
Welcome back to our battle with our meanest competitor, Evil Irving!

Remember… you’re an exterminator and he’s trying to steal your customers. (Re-read the last paragraph of my last post to get up to speed.) So Irv’s a tough competitor. But too bad for him, you’re pretty sharp yourself. And you discovered a chink in his armor that you’re thrilled to exploit. You wouldn’t have even mentioned it […]

Welcome back to our battle with our meanest competitor, Evil Irving! Read More »

YOU’RE BACK! Great. So let’s continue our discussion of the Inoculation Principle and really sink the hypodermic needle into our competition.

As the last step in the inoculation process, I would encourage you, my customer, to really think about what I just explained, about how some other exterminators operate so carelessly. I’d ask you to begin to formulate your own thoughts by asking you for feedback either on hardcopy (survey) or simply by responding to my

YOU’RE BACK! Great. So let’s continue our discussion of the Inoculation Principle and really sink the hypodermic needle into our competition. Read More »


Colorful BUTTONS are more effective than LINKS in motivating people to take action, according to several studies performed on exactly this topic. I discuss this finding in my new book “Cashvertising Online”–the long-anticipated follow-up to “Cashvertising” that’s scheduled for release later this year. (Yeah, I took way too long to write it–sigh.) STUDY: For example, one study, published



Try *RAISING* your prices.“WHAT, Drew?!”It’s counter-intuitive, right?But that’s exactly what happened with some of the biggest marketers on the planet.Fact is, the psychology of pricing is a field in and of itself, and there’s a wealth of research on the subject.Let’s dive in and explore some key findings on price-point psychology and how it can be used


Are you BLENDING in?

Are you virtually indistinguishable from your competition? STOP! From this day forward, it’s important to be “tremendously specific” when describing your products or services. It’s a copywriting tactic I call using “Extreme Specificity,“ and I discuss it in detail in Cashvertising, page 106. To illustrate this point, consider an experiment where I called 25 local pizza shops at

Are you BLENDING in? Read More »

STUDIES SHOW: Reversed Text (White Type on a Black or Dark Background) Is a Readership & Comprehension Crusher!

Hello gang… Today, I’d like to discuss READABILITY and why you should avoid using reversed text (white type on a black or dark background). I discuss this in my live presentations. Apparently not enough has been written about this, judging from the online design I’m seeing. To persuade your prospects, they must read your words. If your

STUDIES SHOW: Reversed Text (White Type on a Black or Dark Background) Is a Readership & Comprehension Crusher! Read More »

DO YOU USE VIDEO to advertise your products and services?

My latest book—Cashvertising Online https://tinyurl.com/CashvOnline reveals research showing that mid-roll ads have the highest completion rates of all video ad placements based on extensive studies of ads in multiple industries. In other words, if you want your ad to be seen from start to finish, you should place it in the middle of a video. According to

DO YOU USE VIDEO to advertise your products and services? Read More »

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