Yes, Dr. Drew! Please Save My Ailing Advertising with Your 100% Personal, No-Punches-Pulled:

Okay, Drew: I give you permission to grab your sharpest, scariest scalpel and give my advertising a good, thorough DOUBLE Deep Diagnosis Dissection! Please spend a focused 60 minutes reviewing my copy, design and imagery for my choice of any one (1) ad, email, sales letter, landing page or brochure (up to 2 pages or 750 words), or postcard.
Let me know what’s good… what sucks… what I need to change to boost my readership… increase its influence… and make me more lots more $$$! I understand I’m getting a hell of a deal because you’re waiving your regular $1,000 minimum–thanks!
So don’t hold back, Drew… tough talk doesn’t offend me. I need to hear the truth NOW!
Simply Click the “BUY NOW!” Button Below…

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